Type One Diabetes 101
Educate. Learn. Together.Learning how to best support those living with Type One Diabetes.
Learning you have Type One diabetes can be an incredibly shocking experience. Life as you know it will look much different.
Caring for someone with Type One diabetes can be challenging for you and the people you’re caring for. Many times, you are left feeling ill-equipped and alone. The “real” side of life while living with diabetes is much more than what is taught in medical school or nursing school.
At Tyler Type One Diabetes 101, you won’t just learn the facts about this disease with the support of our Certified Diabetes Educator, CDE, you will learn from those who have walked through it. The combination of real world experience with medical expertise is hard to come by, but an incredibly valuable resource for those learning to live or care for someone living with Type 1 diabetes.
At Tyler Type One Diabetes 101 group gatherings, you will find school nurses, foster parents, birth parents, siblings, and caregivers all dedicated to learning how to best care for a loved one with Type One diabetes.
As a parent who has a child with Type One diabetes, you can bring your grandparents, your school nurses, your Sunday school teachers, or the babysitter. And instead of you having to try to teach them about a disease that you’re just figuring out for yourself. You can all come and learn together.
You can also find us in group homes and daycare centers. Anywhere a child is with T1, we want to be there so you know how to take care of them.
Contact us today to learn more about our next class.